UrlChecker is a web site monitoring utility which works 24x7 checking the health of web sites. It will poll URL's at a Frequency defined by the user and expect a certain response back, which can optionally be defined as a regular expression match to Capture data which might otherwise be difficult to obtain. In the event that the URL does not return the expected content UrlChecker will go into close monitoring mode for the URL where it will recheck every minute for a period defined by the user, and if the URL remains down an email is sent to the web site owner to alert them to the issue. This can assist the quick Restoration of a web site which might have gone offline - if you are a business customer dependent on sales made via the Internet it can help maintain your profitability by ensuring that your main sales channel is operational at all times.
UrlChecker will continue monitoring a URL whilst it is down, and when it comes back up a separate email will be sent to the user, and the process of uptime monitoring starts again. An unlimited number of domains can be defined (in the licensed version). The actual content of these emails can be defined by the user, and different email addresses can be defined for different URL's.
This software is supplied with two separate components which work in Harmony. The 24x7 monitoring is carried out by a Windows Service which sits quietly in the background, whilst the configuration and visual feedback is managed via a client GUI utility.
Data can be stored either in an integral database (supplied), or in a SQL Server database (not supplied, although the script to create the database is) from where data can be extracted for further analysis and inclusion in reports etc.